
A Story of Ancestral Knowledge
Brand Story
A brand that shares ancestral knowledge from tribes around the world that acknowledge the presence of Pacha Mama or Mother Earth.
Brand Archetype
The Alchemist
Brand Narrative
Content Curation
Logo & Brand Identity
Naming & Tagline
Packaging Design
Product Development
“Alchemy is the art of manipulating life, and consciousness in matter, to help it evolve, or to solve problems of inner disharmonies."

Jean Dubuis

Chapter 1 : The Ask

Two successful entrepreneurs looking for their next opportunity came to us with the understanding that purposeful brands build communities that launch any product to success. They knew that a well crafted story and purpose would create a brand to obsess over. With the overwhelming undertaking we began with a deep dive of research towards building a brand for all genders.

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Chapter 2 : The Exploration

Our process involved exploring a multitude of directions and storylines that could connect with the audience we were looking to attract. Kithora comes from the desire to learn from our ancestors and connect the world through ancient rituals. "Kith" meaning friends, neighbors, relatives, your community and "Ora" from the Maori phrase "Kia Ora" meaning "have life" or "be healthy", wishing the essence of life upon someone, from one speaker to the other.

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Chapter 3 : The Magic

Kithora's visual identity is incredibly intentional in its symbols and pulls inspiration from all cultures. Paired with an elegant typeface, organic palettes and imagery, and intricate tribal elements the brand transcends all cultures and religions. The magic behind the story comes from the In-Person Immersion involved in including a new culture or community. From staying with the Zuni People on the Reservation in New Mexico to going through an experience with the Maoris in New Zealand the brand celebrates healthy life on a global scale.

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Chapter 4 : The Results

Kithora continues to work towards a launch to be the leader in intentional brand stories that have purposeful missions for a better way of life. An Honorable Mention for Logo Design in the Marcom Awards the Ashta brand sets the standard for purposefully designed story-driven brands.

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Other. Projects.